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A man studying a computer screen with pen and paper in hand
Article • 9/18/2024
Making Ends Meet for Ministers
Discover four tips for ministers to help make ends meet each month
Using a calculator and looking at paperwork
Article • 9/18/2024
Should I Switch to Roth?
Should your retirement contributions be pretax or Roth?
Graphic with title "Wellness Challenge Body Mind Spirit"
Article • 9/16/2024
The GuideStone Wellness Challenge: Body, Mind and Spirit
Build healthy habits for your mind, body and spirit with GuideStone’s wellness challenge. Gradually increase positive activities to promote your well-being.
The exterior of a small church that has property and casualty insurance.
Article • 9/13/2024
Admitted vs. Non-Admitted Insurance Carriers: Here’s the Difference
What’s the difference between admitted and non-admitted insurance carriers? Learn what sets them apart and evaluate the pros and cons based on your unique needs.
A server brings a healthy dish to the table in a restaurant.
Article • 9/12/2024
How to Eat Healthy When Eating Out: 10 Culinary Clues
Is it possible to make healthy choices when eating out? Follow 10 quick tips to control portions, reduce calories and maximize nutrition.
A patient with diabetes gets their fingertip poked with a blood glucose meter.
Article • 9/11/2024
Are you at risk for some of the most common chronic health conditions?
Cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity and type 2 diabetes are common chronic health conditions. Discover the risk factors and proactive measures you can take.
An eye care provider examines a patient's eyes.
Article • 9/10/2024
What is vision insurance, and is it worth it?
Vision insurance helps pay for expenses related to eye care, such as eye exams, glasses and contact lenses. Explore how plans work and their benefits.
A man’s hand tapping his credit card against a handheld scanner over a counter
Article • 9/10/2024
Credit Card Tips and Guidelines
Discover what you need to know about credit cards and how to use them wisely.
A group of church planters hold hands to pray about health care coverage.
Article • 9/9/2024
5 Tips for Church Planters to Avoid Health Coverage Mistakes
Get a head start on crafting a benefits strategy for your church plant. Find 5 helpful tips for health coverage that fits your budget, needs and values.